Your mom is mighty tired! She's been working hard for a while and its time to take a nap! 

Unfortunately a group of evil guys are attacking! It would be rude to wake up your mom (obviously), so you and your siblings must protect your dear mom until shes fully rested!

Defeat enemies to collect shapes, then give those shapes to your siblings to power them up to fight alongside you! Shapes not only increase your siblings stats, but giving them shapes in certain patterns will unlock and level up powerful weapons!

Created for the 2024 IcoJam!

NOTE: I discovered a glitch with then engine that causes performances issues as the game is running. Sadly I've discovered this issue far too late, and fixing it would mean I'd have to rework major parts of the code which I wouldn't be able to do in time for the Jam. I apologize for any performance issues, and I still thank you for even playing at all!

Jam notes: My first jam game! I definitely over scoped! I didn't get enough play testing, I honestly don't know if you can even beat it. Thanks for playing all the same :]

Button prompts and pattern vectors:


Prism (7).html 11 MB

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